Mini games
Mini games are a fun way to experience minecraft. There are so many different min games to choose from. I will only talk about a couple.
Hunger Games: Most of you have seen the legendary films of the hunger games and read all the books. Well that won't save you now as the minecraft hunger games are completely different. How you play is the host pulls a lever and all player in there pods go up. There is usually 30 second to 1 minute grace period (means you can't kill any one) and you race to a bunch of chest. Grab weapons, food and armor and run. Find more chests around the map and after the grace period is over, kill! Once dead you must leave the game, but if you host then you can't.
The Dropper: One of my favorite and most simple games of all time. The aim of the game is to fall into water and not die in the process. It is simple and additive. You stand on some glowstone and hit a button. Avoid all the obstacles and win.
Hide and go Seek: In this mini game it is exactly like real life. Turn gamer tags off. Turn to a wall and count to whatever. Then seek. Tip for the hiders: find a tree and mine the bottom 2 blocks. Then the 2 dirt blocks underneath the part you mined and jump down it. Replace wood block and you are hidden.
Pig Racing: Control a pig with a carrot on a stick (hay that rhymes) to the finish line.
That's all for now. Head over to the wiki page for more, like king of the hill, golf and bumper boats.
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