Sunday, 24 November 2013


Mobs can be anything that moves in Minecraft. There is 3 types of mobs: Passive and Hostile and neutral
Let's start with the nice and Passive.
Most of these mobs can supley you with food. This involes Cows, Chickens, Mushooms and Pigs. There is the tameable Ocalot, the shy and speedy. The 4 and not 6 legged Squid, theone that dropes ink when killed. Here is a video on that.
The neutral mobs are the Wolves and Zombie Pigmen. These will start as passive but 1 hit will turn them hostile and any other mob of the same species. Wolves are different though as once fed with a bone, gotten from killing a Skeleton, will become tammed. But if you attack them they will no longer become tameable.
Now to the hostile mobs. There are a veriatey of these and the ones that die due to sunlight are the Zombies and Skeletons. The Spiders and his cousin the cave Spider will not atack with a light level of 8 or more. But if atacked it will atack you as well. There are far too many to list so here is a video.

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